Thursday, 29 November 2018

459 - Purgatory

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM have nothing better to do than watch a couple of Purge movies. As it happens, Purge: Election Year is pretty good. The First Purge, not so much. Tune in to hear a back-handed apology and stay for glowing game review.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

458 - Cagelicious

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM watch a couple of Nicholas Cage movies and it doesn't got well. Mom and Dad is just an idea--no real story and no real end--and Mandy is a self-conscious endurance trial with no payoff. Tune in for a review of the first episode of a TV show, and stay for an upcoming horror movie that's clearly a ripoff of another movie.

Sunday, 18 November 2018

457 - The Bat Check-In

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM check out some new(ish) DC animated features both of which feature Batman. In one of them Batman's an enormous asshole, and the other is anime. Tune in for a non-review of a new movie on Netflix, and stay for list that totally cheats to get twelve entries.

Saturday, 10 November 2018

456 - Men of Faith

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM watch a couple of movies about cults. Heretics is a cool idea with some kick-ass makeup, but doesn't know its own story. Apostle is a cool idea with some kick-ass horror, but it's a half-hour too long and doesn't know what part of its story to focus on. Tune in for some other movie recommendations and stay for a list of Nicholas Cage cult movies.

455 - All Haunts Day

This week, your friends Count Vardulon and DM watch two more haunt-themed movies, both of which feature a broken character with a tragic past who uses the haunt as a kind of ill-conceived therapy. One was much better than the other. Tune in to find out who's on Twitter, and stay for a list that means well but is flawed from the get-go.