Not pictured: twins.
This week your friends Count Vardulon and DM make up for last week's shorter show with a really long one. S.W.A.T.: Firefight is exactly what you'd expect from a S.W.A.T. sequel, and also somehow less. Django, Kill! has one thing going for it but it takes too long to get to that point, and Dead Tone is mind-blowingly terrible. And not in a good way. Tune in to find out how we're all getting dumber and stay to hear who's getting typecast. Click here to read about zombies.
Poll results: Why are you trying to kill your housemates?
Because a disembodied voice told me to 0%
For a big pile of money 0%
Because they're trying to kill me 66%
Because I'm a jerk 34%
Les Mis is opening on Christmas day!