Thursday, 30 August 2012

176 - The Big Con

This week your friends Count Vardulon and DM recap their time at Fan Expo, Canada's premier convention. This year the duo had a table at the con, but that didn't stop them from seeking out and interviewing authors, filmmakers, and Alan Howarth. Tune in to hear about how The Count didn't get to see Tony Todd and stay to find our how much of a fangirl DM really is.

Visit these links to see what and who you missed because you didn't attend the con.

Alan Draven - author
Scream All You Want - webseries
Michael Stevens - filmmaker
Alan Howarth - composer
David Oman - filmmaker
Jason Darrick - author
Alisee Lee Goldenberg - author

Cool stuff:
Andrew Barr - artist
Chibi Seimei - artisan
Carson Drew It - t-shirts
Horror in the Hammer - Hamilton-based horror society
Often Funny - webcomic
Fanboy Confessional - Space channel fandom series
Ottawa Horror - Ottawa-based horror society and film collective

Poll results: Why didn't you attend Festival of Fear?
I don't live in or near Toronto  50%
I was washing my hair  50%


  1. Its funny the number of people I've heard say this FanExpo was well organized, I'm almost terrified to see what other cons are like. also thanks for saying I'm cool.

  2. You're most welcome! I really like your art. I think we'll be hitting more cons in the future, so it'll be interesting to compare Toronto to other venues.
