Wednesday, 24 February 2010

61 - Research Be Damned!


After a week off, Count Vardulon and The Divemistress are back and suffering from Olympic fever.  Unfortunately there are no Olympic-themed horror movies.  So they talk about deathsport movies instead!  Tune in to hear The Count and The DM ruminate on social control and political commentary as they discuss Death Race 2000, Rollerball, and oft-overlooked Schwarzenegger classic, The Running Man.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

60 - Halloweenorama!

Just in time for Valentine's Day, your friends Count Vardulon and The Divemistress discuss the movies in the Halloween franchise (not including Rob Zombie's "films").

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

59 - Those Are Not Mixed Feelings

This week your friends Count Vardulon and The Divemistress ruin the movie Triangle for anyone who hasn't seen it. They also spoil Alone in the Dark 2, but that seems less of a tragedy and more a public service. The DM runs down the list of Best Picture Oscar nominations and The Count registers his distaste for each one. The two lament the passing of Dollhouse, and The Count wants you to know that he knows someone who's been mistaken for Daft Punk. And PS, Lance Henrickson is good at his job.